and Your Healthy Cat

"You should always watch your cat
for side effects flea insecticides."

Toxicity of Flea Insecticides on Your Cat

Organochlorines are less immediately toxic to your cat than organophosphates and carbamates. They have also largely replaced these two more toxic insecticides in flea control products. However, they accumulate in animal tissues and persist for years in the environment.

This pesticide can be fatal to your cat. Insects have developed a resistance to many of these and other insecticides. 

Cats are particularly vulnerable to these types of organochlorines, especially Lindane, DDT, and Chlordate. Although DDT was banned in 1972, it is still found in 55% of Americans! Lindane was banned as an indoor fumigant in 1986 due to concern about its carcinogenic potential.  

Other banned or restricted pesticides are DDE, Aldrin, Dieldrin, and Chlordane. 

Dogs are particularly susceptible to Toxaphene and DDE.

Follow Label Directions Carefully

black cat in a boxNeko Reading at Her Desk

If you decide to use a flea control product containing these insecticides, be sure to read the label and follow the directions exactly as written or as recommended by your trusted veterinarian.

When using a flea control product with any toxic insecticides, you should carefully watch your cat for any signs of illness and contact your trusted veterinarian immediately if you observe anything suspicious. 

Side Effects

Some symptoms of overdose or possible long-term effects are an exaggerated response to touch, light, and sound. Also, watch for spasms or tremors, which usually appear in the face, and progress to epilepsy-like seizures, often followed by death. 

Many types of these insecticides have been shown to cause cancer in animals used for experimentation. 

Reading Insecticide Labels

This flea killer is listed on the labels of flea control products as Dichlorophene, DMC, Endosulphan, Endrin, Heptachlor, Isobenzan, Lindane (Gamma BHC), Methoxy-chlor, Paradichlorobenzene, Toxaphene, and TDE. 

Banned or restricted members of this flea insecticide group are DDT, DDE, Aldrin, Dieldrin, and Chlordane. 

Safer Alternatives for Flea Control Products

Natural flea control products are generally the safest to choose to keep your cat safe from the toxic effects of organochlorines and other dangerous chemicals.

Natural flea control methods are often best in preventing flea problems. 

If you find you must use additional methods, flea products containing "insect growth regulators" or "IGRs" are the next safest method to control fleas.

Articles Related to Organochlorines

Didn't find what you're looking for? Use this Search Box to find more information. Or visit the articles below.

Other Common Flea Insecticides - More information about commonly used insecticides in pet products.

All About Flea Control - Article about fleas and keeping your kitty safe from these parasites.

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